Be a 2022 Southold Town Poll Watcher

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NYDLC’s Action Page for a full overview of voter protection opportunities, and
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Poll Watchers

In New York, credentialed poll observers must be registered voters in the county they are assigned to. NYDLC needs our help to recruit trusted Nassau and Suffolk county registered democrats to observe the polls during early voting and on election day. Please help recruit volunteers by sharing the 2022 Volunteer Intake Form.

NYDLC's poll observation training is CLE-accredited. They break down New York election law for the average person and provide the tools to observe, report, and resolve voting issues in real time. Volunteers must complete a live or on-demand virtual training, after which they are funneled into either a hotline or poll observer shift, based on preference and availability.


Thank you for your generous time and support to protect our voters and ensure Democratic victories up and down the ballot in November!

NYDLC - the official voter protection arm of the NY Dems - is organizing a robust voter protection program to ensure every vote is cast fairly and counted accurately in November. There are several remote and in-person volunteer opportunities to protect voters throughout the fall voting period - from poll observation to assisting voters on the statewide voter helpline.

Help Recruit Local Poll Observers!

NYDLC has organized virtual phone banks to call through lists of seasoned Voter Protectors and registered democrats across New York State to activate them for the cycle. Please email to set up a phonebank into your community.

Voting Resources and Materials

NYDLC has created voter-facing education materials and digital social media assets. These folders are updated regularly with general and county-specific voting information, so be sure to check back regularly!

New York Statewide Voter Helpline

Voters can call the NYS voter helpline to get the information they need to register to vote, vote by mail, confirm poll sites and hours, and report voting issues. Please share the number far and wide!

1-888-3NY-VOTE (888-369-8683)
Mon-Fri 9 am - 8 pm
Sat-Sun 10 am - 7 pm