North Fork Pride Information

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  • Arrival Time:

    • Marchers: Please arrive between 10:00 am
      and 10:30 am.

    • Parking: Please use street parking.
      Please plan to arrive early to leave enough time to identify parking
      and enough time to walk to the Parade line-up area.

    • Floats/Cars/Motorcycles: 9:45 am; All floats, cars, and/or motorcycles MUST be registered in advance.

      • Please arrive heading east bound on Broad Street; pull onto Broad Street from First Street.

  • Location & Line-up:

    • Parade line-up will take place on Broad Street between First Street and Main Street.

    • Check-in will be at the corner of Broad Street and Main Street.

    • North Fork Pride staff and volunteers will be present to direct you.

    • Float/Car Line-up: Vehicles that are already registered for the Parade will be lined up along Broad Street.

  • Parade Step-Off: 12:00 pm sharp

  • Route: Marchers and groups will proceed from Broad Street onto Main Street. The Parade will proceed down Main Street and continue along Front Street, ending at Third Street.


  • Broad Street between First Street and Main Street: Starts at 9:00 am; Ends at 1:00 pm.

  • Main Street between Broad Street to Front Street: Starts at 10:45 am; Ends at 1:30 pm.

  • Front Street between Main Street to Third Street; Starts at 10:45 am; Ends at 5:00 pm.