North Fork Pride Information
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Arrival Time:
Marchers: Please arrive between 10:00 am
and 10:30 am.Parking: Please use street parking.
Please plan to arrive early to leave enough time to identify parking
and enough time to walk to the Parade line-up area.Floats/Cars/Motorcycles: 9:45 am; All floats, cars, and/or motorcycles MUST be registered in advance.
Please arrive heading east bound on Broad Street; pull onto Broad Street from First Street.
Location & Line-up:
Parade line-up will take place on Broad Street between First Street and Main Street.
Check-in will be at the corner of Broad Street and Main Street.
North Fork Pride staff and volunteers will be present to direct you.
Float/Car Line-up: Vehicles that are already registered for the Parade will be lined up along Broad Street.
Parade Step-Off: 12:00 pm sharp
Route: Marchers and groups will proceed from Broad Street onto Main Street. The Parade will proceed down Main Street and continue along Front Street, ending at Third Street.
Broad Street between First Street and Main Street: Starts at 9:00 am; Ends at 1:00 pm.
Main Street between Broad Street to Front Street: Starts at 10:45 am; Ends at 1:30 pm.
Front Street between Main Street to Third Street; Starts at 10:45 am; Ends at 5:00 pm.