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by Caroline Little

Most high schoolers think of election day as just

another day off from school, however, it is a crucial part of our country. Our country was founded on representation in the government and being able to make an informed vote. High school students are children transitioning to adulthood and seniors will have the right to vote with their 18th birthday, and

even if they can’t vote this year they should be prepared to vote in the next year's election. 

Some people don’t know how to register to vote. As an American citizen it should be one of the first things on your mind on your 18th birthday. Registering to vote is as easy as a simple Google search.  If you look up how to register to vote in New York you will get a link to register with the DMV.

It is a pretty easy process that is necessary to uphold our government and democracy. Voting should be something everyone looks forward to, it is a right and a privilege in our country that everyone should exercise. 

Our country was built on civic virtue coming along with the right to vote. Civic virtue is the principle that those who participate in government should be informed and willing to participate. Although those who vote in our country are willing to participate, some aren’t the most informed. Some news networks and social media spread false information about the leaders or candidates for leaders in our country which is a huge problem.

People should be more skeptical when it comes to believing what they see on the Internet and fact check it with more reputable sources. Overall being registered to vote and being a well-informed voter are two very important things in our country, especially with election day quickly approaching. People should get out there, register, and research the candidates before voting this year. 

Register online at DMV

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