Democracy Begins With You
Welcome to the Southold Town Democrats
Committee. Club. Candidates. Calendar.
Introducing the 2025 Democratic Slate of Candidates
for Southold Town Office.
Standing L to R: Abigail Field (Town Clerk); Dana Forlenza (Town Assessor); Eileen Powers (Town Justice); Joe Finora (Town Trustee); Dan Goodwin (Town Hwy. Supt.). Seated L to R: Leah Tillman Sullivan (Town Assessor); Kate Stevens (Town Board/Justice - Fishers Island); Brian O. Mealy (Town Board); Alexa Suess (Town Board); Eric Sepenoski (Town Trustee).
Not pictured: Liz Gillooly (Town Trustee). CLICK HERE TO READ BIOS.
Greg Doroski, Candidate for LD1 Suffolk County Legislator, speaks at Nominating Convention.
Campaign 2025 is Gearing Up.
Please Join Us. We Need You.
The Southold Town Democratic Committee is a group of elected or appointed Election District Leaders. There are 38 committee seats, 2 for each of the 19 election districts in Southold Town. We are seeking 3 registered Democrats to fill 3 vacant committee seats; one in ED3 located in East Marion and one seat each in ED4 and ED5 both located in Greenport. Though preferable, you do not need to live in the ED you represent. If you are interested in filling one of these seats, please email info@southolddems.org.
The Southold Town Democratic Club are registered Democrats and community members who are committed to supporting Democratic issues, candidates, events, values and principles in Southold Town. Please join the Dems Club; we welcome you. If you are interested, please complete the Join the Club form here.